작성일 : 14-08-20 18:32
데이비드 버크만 트리오 워크샵~!!!!!
 글쓴이 : 최고관리자
조회 : 2,749  

창조실용음악학원에서 진행한
베이시스트 이철훈선생님과
재즈 피아노 데이비드 버크만 ,
재즈드러머 오원하트 교수님의 워크샵 특강~^^
David Berkman(Piano) : 뉴욕대,퀸즈대학교 교수님
Owen Hart Jr.(Drums) : 네덜란드,로테르담 대학교 교수님, 베니그린밴드의 드러머활동 등
1부 2:00 ~ 4:00 (특강 및 워크샵)
2부 4:00 ~ 7:00 (개인별 레슨)
학원내 앙상블실에서
1부,2부로 나누어서 워크샾을 진행했습니다.
데이빗 버크만과 오웬하트에 대해 소개하면,
David Berkman (위사진) 1985 년 뉴욕으로 이주현재 뉴욕재즈 사회의 중요한 일원으로 활동중
Sonny Stitt,, Brian Blade, Joe Lovano, Dave Douglas, Ray Drummond, Billy Hart, Dick Oatts,
Tony Malaby, Chris Potter, Scott Wendholt, Lenny White, Scott Colley, Craig Handy,
Steven Bernstein, Bill Stewart, Dave Stryker, Fathead Newman, Hank Crawford,Jane Monheit
등의 엄청난 뮤지션들과 작편곡자로서 사이드맨, 밴드리더로서 활동중이다현재 까지 4장의 음반을 발매했다
University of North Carolina/ Chapel Hill Carolina Central Dartmouth University of Massachusetts/
Amherst Monmouth College Univeristy of Iowa/Iowa City Iowa State University/ Ames Lawrence University
University of Northern Illinois Knox College Kingston Community College Millikin University
Augustana College University of Wisconsin/Platteville University of Wisconsin/ Whitewater
University of Wisconsin/La Cros se University of Wisconsin/ Eau Claire Indiana State University/
Terre Haute Indiana University/ Bloomington Depauw University University of Wichita Lexington
MA High School Foxborough MA High School Meunster Conservatory Napier Conservatory
(Edinburgh)Amsterdam Consevatory Rotterdam Conservatory
University of Northern Iowa Mt. Hood Jazz Festival North Netherlands Conservatory Faculty member
등의 수많은 학교에서 클리닉, 콘서트, 강의를 하고 있다
홈페이지 : http://www.davidberkman.com/ Owen Hart Jr.
(아래사진) Owen Hart, Jr. was born in Jacksonville,
FL. He received his first set of drums at 5 years of age. He began to play the drums in the
Church that he grew up attending with his family just shortly after.
His formal education in the academics of music started at about the age of 10 with piano lessons.
At the age of 12 was the start of his formal studies on drums in the Duval County public school system.
Owen continued with this until finishing high school in 1989 at Douglas Anderson School of the arts in Jacksonville.
While combining playing gigs with an assortment of musicians and musical situations,
he attended Jacksonville University as a Music performance major.
Owen moved to New York in April of 1997
as a result of an extended collaboration as percussionist with the Urban Bush Women, Dance Company.
This experience launched his career further into an international exposure with a tour
in Switzerland in addition to other performances in the US.
Now settled in his Brooklyn residence Owe's a schedule was occupied with periodic rehearsals with U.B.W. Dance co.,
accompanist for dance classes at Lehman College in the Bronx and ‘practice sessions’ with great musicians.
Having the evenings free to explore what was happening on the music scene
gave him the opportunity to do gigs all over NYC including a steady gig on
Monday and Tuesday nights at the Village Lantern, a popular hang in the west village.
Meeting and playing with the musicians who would pass by
and sit in resulted in more valuable playing experience.
Among these musicians are some of the people who Owen credits as his most influential collaborators;
Rob Dixon, Abram Wilson, Ronald Westray, Gregory Tardy, Benny Green,
Vanessa Rubin, Wycliffe Gordon and Ravi Coltrane. In September of 2001,
Owen began teaching in Holland at the Prins Claus Conservatorium in Groningen.
As a professor in the jazz drum department,
Owen designed the 4 year cirriculumn for the "First Phase" jazz drums course.
Owen has also given workshops and masterclasses in other Conservatoriums in Turkey,
Azerbaijan, Portugal, Italy and Holland. While residing in the Netherlands,
Owen balanced his busy teaching schedule at 'Prins Claus' with a much busier tour and recording schedule with artist such as;
Timucin Sahin, Ramon Valle, Michael Moore, Ernst Reijseger, Ernst Glerum and Juraji Stanik.
Also including US based artist in affiliation with the conservatorium; Craig Handy,
Don Braden, Seamus Blake, David Berkman, Conrad Herwig, Dena DeRose,
Ralph Peterson, Brian Lynch and many others.
Owen continues to break new ground in his on going development as an artist.
While residing in Bologna, Italy from the Fall of 2006 until the winter of 2007,
he collaborated with some of the finest musicians on the scene. In addition to some of his prior collaborations,
he is currently working with Steve Grossman’s “Two Tenor” Quintet and the Piero Odorici Quintet,
both of whom are among the top jazz artist in Italy.
With a variety of musical influences which include;
traditional and contemporary gospel, soul, rock, fusion, Caribbean, Brazilian,
Cuban and hip-hop, Owen has developed a unique style.
His many influences allow him to access just the right tembre,
touch and attitude to compliment a vast array of musical situations.
You can hear this for your self upon a listen to “Osiris”, from Saxophonist,
Michael Moore or the much different displays of musical diversity on Guitarist,
Timucin Sahin’s, “Window for My Breath”. Keep wa tching for the latest developments of this rising musician.


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